Moving Out and Moving On

Leaving possessions behind to go travel the great wide world, in a van, with no strings attached. Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Well, yes it is, but what you don’t so often hear about or see is how difficult getting there really is– mentally and physically. In my day to day life I deal with anxiety, […]

How We Are Budgeting and Saving For Our Dream Trip

Once we started spilling the beans about our adventure plans to our friends and family the most common questions we got revolved around money. “How much does a trip like that cost? How are you gonna pay for it? What about your jobs?” Now, if we were saving for a down payment on a house […]

Lost In the Right Direction

Costa Rica Beach

Waking up to squirrels tossing pine cones on your tent is a comical and slightly annoying experience. James and I had set up our tent on the only flat(ish) area we could find at our beautiful, free campsite up a long dirt road near Ten Sleep, Wyoming. Unfortunately for us, that semi-flat spot was located […]